Brakke Consulting Inc., has released The Companion Animal Veterinary Telehealth Landscape, a study about the forces driving the growth of telehealth and the barriers to its adoption, including the regulatory framework governing veterinary telemedicine. “There are a lot of questions about veterinary telehealth, beginning with what exactly telehealth means, and whether it is even permitted by the State Veterinary Practice Acts,” said Lynn Fondon, DVM, MBA, senior consultant of Brakke Consulting. “Most veterinarians are using teleconsulting to interact with veterinary specialists, but using telehealth platforms to interact with clients is much less common. However, pet owners are interested in using telehealth to obtain health care for their pets, so we expect demand for veterinary telehealth services to grow.” More than 20 veterinary telehealth providers are profiled in the report, which also includes surveys of nearly 450 companion animal veterinarians and 500 pet owners. To purchasing The Companion Animal Veterinary Telehealth Landscape report, contact