They Ate What?! X-ray Contest 2018

They ate this: Check out the winner, runners-up, and honorable mentions

Toys, tiles, and towels—and a large one at that! Animals eat all sorts of things, forcing their owners to make a mad dash to their veterinarian. Once again, our annual X-ray contest drew dozens of entries, each of them perplexing in their own way, and the next one more bizarre than the last. Choosing a winner was tough, but our panel of experts came through. The winner receives $500, courtesy of IDEXX Laboratories Inc., and a one-year subscription to its Web PACS, a picture archiving communications system valued at $2,400. Total retail value of the prize is $2,900. Check out the top rad, along with the runners-up and honorable mentions.

Contest judges

  • Marty Becker, DVM, writes VPN's "In the Middle" column
  • John Lewis, VMD, FAVD, DAVDC, writes VPN's "Dental Pearls" column
  • Brennen McKenzie, MA, MSc, VMD, cVMA, writes VPN's "Evidence-Based Medicine" column
  • Alice Villalobos, DVM, FNAP, writes VPN's "Dr. Alice at Large," "The Bond and Beyond," and "Oncology Outlook" columns
  • Phil Zeltzman, DVM, DACVS, CVJ, writes VPN's "Surgical Insights" and "Practice Management" columns

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3 thoughts on “They Ate What?! X-ray Contest 2018

  1. My Kai, beagle, started eating mulch in our yard. Just one spot. We had to place lattice all around yard and deck to keep him from eating. No surgery but 3 day hospital stay.
