Pet insurer Nationwide reveals annual cost of common health conditions

Canine periodontitis, feline diabetes are the most expensive, according to Nationwide pet insurer

Nationwide members spent more than $96 million in veterinary care last year to treat the top 10 most common medical conditions affecting their dogs and cats, according to the pet health insurer.

Based on more than 1.4 million pet insurance claims submitted to the company last year for more than 650,000 insured pets, Nationwide has identified the top 10 medical conditions affecting dogs and cats (and their associated costs).


Top 10 most common medical conditions for dogs

  1. Atopic or allergic dermatitis – average cost to treat: $255
  2. Otitis externa – average cost to treat: $172
  3. Benign skin neoplasia – average cost to treat: $377
  4. Pyoderma – average cost to treat: $128
  5. Enteropathy – average cost to treat: $175
  6. Gastropathy
  7. Degenerative arthritis
  8. Periodontitis/Tooth infection – average cost to treat: $400
  9. Cystitis or urinary tract infection
  10. Anal gland sacculitis/Expression


Top 10 most common medical conditions for cats

  1. Cystitis or urinary tract disease – average cost to treat: $495
  2. Periodontitis/Tooth infection – average cost to treat: $434
  3. Gastropathy – average cost to treat: $334
  4. Renal disease or failure – average cost to treat: $649
  5. Enteropathy – average cost to treat: $221
  6. Hyperthyroidism
  7. Feline upper respiratory infection
  8. Diabetes mellitus – average cost to treat: $889
  9. Atopic or allergic dermatitis
  10. Valvular heart disease or murmur


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One thought on “Pet insurer Nationwide reveals annual cost of common health conditions

  1. I wonder what might be the cause of most of the "health conditions" in cats? Might it be kibble? Here are some thoughts and ideas to consider:
    – Cystitis or Urinary Tract Disease – The Ph level of kibble is alkaline your cat needs an acidic urine. Kibble causes the alkalinity to increase to where crystals form blocking the urinary tract. Your vet's answer (in my case) Royal Canin Urinary SO Kibble.
    – Peritonitis Tooth Infection – most often this is an infection or inflammation of the gums. The cause – kibble. The softness of kibble does not clean your cat's teeth. The small pieces created when your cat chews get driven up underneath the gums causing inflammation. Your vet's answer – dental kibble or drugs. And No – dental stix do not clean your cat's teeth. They're made of the same stuff kibble is made of.
    – Gastropathy – (Stomach Disease) is not something I've researched but here's a thought. Your cat was designed by Mother Nature to eat meat. Might all of the starches, preservatives and dyes in kibble cause stomach problems? – you decide.
    – Renal Disease (of Kidney Disease) – Kidneys (including ours) require a great deal of water to function properly and stay healthy. A cat gets 75 – 80% of its daily water requirement from its food. Kibble is at most 10% water. Your cat is clinically dehydrated.
    – Enteropathy (disease of the small intestine) – is not something I've researched but here's a thought. All of the ingredients in kibble are not what Mother Nature designed them to eat. Combine that with a low water level. Might that cause intestinal disease? – works for me.
    – Hyperthyroidism – IS caused by the soy in kibble. Soy is very high in natural estrogen which affects your cat's thyroid.
    – Feline Upper Respiratory Infection – I don't know the answer. It's not something that I've researched.
    – Diabetes mellitus – IS caused by kibble. The high level of starch in kibble stresses the pancreas tot he point where it cannot make enough insulin to deal with the overload. Your vet's answer – insulin shots.
    – Atopic or allergic dermatitis (A.K.A. Itchy skin) – might the fact that you're putting all of the wrong ingredients in your cat's engine make it itch?
    – Valvular Heart Disease or Murmur – ??

    Now, I readily admit that there may be other causes for the above listed diseases but "when you put the wrong fuel (kibble) in your cat's engine (body) how can you expect the car to run properly.
    Are there answers – Yes – Dr. Becker has a series of vids on YouTube about what your cat should be fed – in one word RAW!!
    And, if you really want to begin to understand the danger associated with feeding kibble watch PET FOOleD – it's available on Netflix.
