1) Always choose paper. When there's one appointment left so you rock, paper, scissors to see who has to do it ???? #VetTech — Nick Felix (@Nick20719) June 6, 2016 2) Ew. Client burped in my face this morning. I'd rather be peed on, honestly. #vettech — Regina Phalange (@heyJESSI) May 28, 2016 3) This is why we can't have nice things. "Do you have an appointment ?" Client : "no ma'm I had one yesterday and didn't come decided to come today instead . #facepalm #vettechlife — Kat (@TheGreatKatsby1) June 9, 2016 4) Don't forget the hours too. When my doctor asks how many days a week I exercise, I count how many days I typically work #vettechlife — Mary Sinnamon (@mary_sinnamon) June 8, 2016 5) When there are more than clothes in the dryer. What's the weirdest thing you've ever found in the dryer? I've found a testicle in the dryer at work once. #VetTechLife — Stacie Lynn (@stacielynn89) June 6, 2016 6) The best feeling. Update: I finally got to pee after 16 hours. It was pretty amazing #VetTechLife — Jordan Burbage (@JordanGraceful) June 5, 2016 7) A stomach of steel. You know your destiny involves being a vet tech when you can eat lunch while watching a surgery get done. ???????????????????????????????? #vettechlife — Miriah Haltiwanger (@nana_x_9BATMAN) June 3, 2016 8) A stomach of steel ... most of the time. hate eating my lunch smelling like cat shit #vettechlife — ♏️ (@m3rmaidt4ils) May 20, 2016 9) We need 10cc of vet techs stat. How many techs does it take to get blood on a 100lb Bernese Mountain Dog? Four. Four techs. And he was still unmanageable. #vettechlife — Gia Scalise (@lagiabella) May 19, 2016 10) Possibly heard in the surgery room. "Sorry guys i just dropped a placenta on the ground" #vettechlife — ♏️ (@m3rmaidt4ils) May 6, 2016 11) *cough* O: "I think he has kennel cough." Me: "is he coughing?" O: "No." Me: *bangs head against wall*#vettechlife — (^・ω・^) Catlin (@kokowadoko12) April 30, 2016 12) When work crosses over to real life. Filling out paperwork at the doctors office. Why don't they have a female spayed or male neutered gender option? Oh wait.... #vettechlife — Jessica Loe (@jessicaloe112) April 27, 2016