The holiday season is almost over, and that means for veterinary students, soon you'll be back to the daily, crazy, grind that is vet school. In case you forgot, here's everything you get to look forward to: 1) Those Page-Turners Called Textbooks Current evening reading is on different sorts of artificial horse vaginas. #VetStudentProblems — Freddie Dyke (@Freddie_Dyke) April 22, 2016 2) The Unique Treatments You'll Learn About So now I get to sprinkle sugar on a kittens butthole #vetstudentproblems — Lindsay Jones (@jones_lindsay) May 10, 2016 3) The Mean Things Your Body Will Do to You Getting an itchy nose in the postmortem room #VetStudentProblems — Freddie Dyke (@Freddie_Dyke) May 17, 2016 4) How Awful Parasites Are #vetstudentproblems #parasitology — Laura Bradley (@petdoctordvm) June 9, 2016 5) The New Things Your Autocorrect Will Search For You know you're a vet student when searching for cameras & it changes your search to cuniculi #vetstudentproblems ???? — Rachael Lowton (@RachaelLowton) June 9, 2016 6) The Fun Parasites and Infections You'll Be Exposed To 2 weeks as a clinical student. Already have ringworm. #vetstudentproblems — Emma Plowright (@EmmaLPlowright) October 9, 2016 7) Laundry Day When your husband finds rectal sleeves in the laundry #oops #atleastitwasclean #vetstudentproblems — Lindsay Jones (@jones_lindsay) October 28, 2016 8) The Joys of Finals Finals feels :( #vetschoollife #vetstudentproblems #onemoreleft #getmeoutof6th — Kittie (@kittie_DVM) April 20, 2016 9) Your Weird Excuses for Not Going Out When you get asked what you are doing and the answer is "Reading about sperm"... #onlyinvetschool #vetstudent — Chris VetSchoolDiary (@vetschooldiary) December 18, 2016 10) Remembering Everything You Forgot #Anatomy101 — VETgirl (@VetGirlOnTheRun) December 28, 2016