1) When you try to tell a cool work story to people who don't work in #vetmed... #vetmedproblems #vettechlife #halloween pic.twitter.com/0XcXTM7K3T — atdoveorg (@atdoveorg) October 31, 2016 2) Your cat cat got hit by a car 6 months ago and now it's an emergency? #icantmakethisup #vettechlife — jessthevettech (@jessicaloe112) November 1, 2016 3) When you're going to lunch but have to express two yorkies' anal glands first #vettechlife — Eileen (@eileen_nora) November 4, 2016 4) Whenever I take a shower, I find a huge new bruise on my leg. ???? #vettechproblems — Erin (@erin_gobragh_x) November 4, 2016 5) If you want to know the realist of #VetTechProblems I accidentally injected insulin into my finger trying to give it to a squirmy patient — space kitten Ⓥ (@kowalskibear) October 26, 2016 6) MFW I've been too busy to eat or pee for 12hrs and the client comments about how messy I left her dog's face after a dental #vettechproblems pic.twitter.com/f13I9s9ULK — Ashlee N (@1988mph) October 15, 2016 7) How I managed to get through the 10.5 hour workday without getting blood or urine on my scrubs is beyond me #vettechproblems — TgoalieT *55* (@Taminator55) October 6, 2016 8) "Has your dog vomited lately?" "Only when I give her McDonalds hash browns 2-3x a week Uhh then don't? #pancreatitis #VetTechProblems — Cassie Lewis (@CassieBLewis) September 30, 2016 9) Earlier at work: *Looks down notices blood on wrist* Co worker: "Whoa are you ok?" Me: "Yeah that's not my blood"#vettechproblems — Alyssa (@AlyssaC_93) September 30, 2016 10) Coworkers: You seem to be in a bad mood. Me: Inventory...????.#cliniclife #vettech #vettechproblems — Daniel Todd (@thebugmandan) September 28, 2016 11) No sir I don't know why your dog barks at his water bowl #vettechproblems #dogsareweird — Maggie Dahlia (@mmwagner52) September 23, 2016 12) Client: "my dog doesn't need distemper, his temper is fine" #what #vettechproblems #isitfridayyet — Lauren Porter (@_Lauren_Porter) September 15, 2016 13) True life: I automatically swipe left if you have a photo with a breed of dog that I don't like #vettechproblems — Kerri (@kerrix3) September 19, 2016 14) #AnytimeIHear someone say "Your job is easy! You play with puppies all day!" #vetlife #vmp #vettechproblems pic.twitter.com/Z4RvMFYruE — atdoveorg (@atdoveorg) September 14, 2016 15) True friends check each other's eyebrows for fleas @xo_LivBurns #vettechproblems — tk ❁ (@realdennisquaid) September 1, 2016 16) Yes, keep laughing at me as I struggle with an aggressive cat. That's really helping. #sarcasm #vettechproblems — Crab Cakes (@DagoMonster) September 1, 2016 17) You know it's been a long day when you get home and pull vet wrap and bloody gauze out of your pocket #vettechproblems — space kitten Ⓥ (@kowalskibear) August 26, 2016 18) The trouble with two of your coworkers wearing the same size scrubs as you, is - whose shirt is this in the laundry?? #vettechproblems — Jessica ???? (@jessicatNY) August 23, 2016 19) Even on my worst day at work, I wouldn't want any other job in the world. #VetTechLife — Isabelle (@Cimmera1) November 2, 2016