The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has launched what they're calling its "one-stop shop" for its One Health initiatives. As they wrote on the USDA blog page: "At USDA, we use a One Health approach that embraces the idea that problems arising at the intersection of the health of humans, animals, and the environment can be solved only through a coordinated multidisciplinary approach. This approach embraces the idea that a disease problem impacting the health of humans, animals, and the environment only can be solved through improved communication, cooperation, and collaboration across disciplines and institutions. Because the One Health work that we do spans across many USDA agencies, we are launching a centralized web portal page to better help our stakeholders and the public better access our information. This page features USDA’s collective body of work on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), avian influenza and swine influenza as well as other One Health resources." They later add: "Within USDA, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Agricultural Marketing Service, Agricultural Research Service, Economic Research Service, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Foreign Agricultural Service, National Agricultural Statistics Service and National Institutes of Food and Agriculture are all actively engaged in ongoing projects to better understand these and other complex issues at the animal, human and ecosystem interface. USDA also partners with other U.S. government agencies – such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Environmental Protection Agency, and tribal Nations – to prevent and control problems that affect animal and plant health, human health and the environment. USDA emphasizes increased collaboration with other agencies to leverage infrastructures overseas to provide training and technical assistance on One Health issues." The web portal can be found here.