Registration Open for Henry Schein Animal Health’s 2016 Veterinary Technology Summit

The summit will help veterinary practices learn how to get more out of their Henry Schein’s practice management software, as well as learn about practice management, wellness plans and more.

Henry Schein, Inc. announced today that it has opened registration for Henry Schein Animal Health’s 2016 Veterinary Technology Summit. This event that will help veterinary practices increase their practice management software usage and improve practice efficiency and profitability.

The summit will take place October 19 to 21 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn. Attending veterinarians and their staff will receive hands-on software training classes for the company’s AVImark, ImproMed Infinity, and ImproMedTriple Crown software programs, as well as informative sessions on practice management tips and insights. Sessions will focus on strategies for going paperless, implementing wellness plans, managing inventory, using electronic medical records and many other topics relevant for veterinarians, practice managers and staff members.

“We see that a majority of veterinary practices in the U.S. own practice management software, yet most typically use only 20 percent of its capabilities,” said Chris Dollar, president of Henry Schein Global Animal Health Practice Solutions. “Greater software usage provides a variety of benefits for veterinary practices, such as capturing and billing charges that otherwise may be missed, improving the quality of patient care, and even having more time during the day to see additional patients. Attending the Veterinary Technology Summit is one of the fastest, most efficient ways to learn about new features and grow software usage, which results in better practice profitability and competitive advantage.” 

Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Henry Schein, Inc., will discuss key trends impacting the animal health industry and additional speakers will discuss timely practice management topics such as effective use of social media, practice marketing, and techniques to increase their number of clients and patients. Continuing education credits can be earned for attending some of these sessions.

To register or receive more information, visit

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