Those who work to promote this year's theme can enter a competition to win the World Veterinary Day Award, says World Veterinary Association. Veterinary Practice News Editors Mark your calendars: World Veterinary Day is April 29 this year. The event, according to the World Veterinary Association (WVA), “aims to highlight and promote the different facets of the work performed by veterinarians all over the world, and to raise awareness on their contribution to improve animal health and welfare, as well as public health.” This year’s theme is "Antimicrobial Resistance — From Awareness to Action," and WVA members and organizations are encouraged to promote awareness about this topic. Those who do can enter a WVA competition for the most successful contribution to promoting awareness to the theme. The criteria the WVA judges will look or include: contribution and achievements on the WVD 2017 theme; involvement of relevant stakeholders and general public; collaboration with the public health sector; media coverage; and follow-up initiatives. The winner will receive the World Veterinary Day Award. So why is the WVA focusing on this theme? “Veterinary services including veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals have a key part to play in the fight against antimicrobial resistance, through their role in regulating and supervising the use of antimicrobials, offering professional advice to farmers and animal owners and collaborating with the human health sector,” WVA writes on their website. “To continue to progress in disease control management and in improving animal welfare, veterinarians need to encourage and achieve a sustainable change in behaviors towards a responsible and prudent antimicrobial use.” For more information about World Veterinary Day and how to enter the competition, visit the WVA website.