Practice-management software vendors are continually upgrading and refining their systems’ functions and features. Here are some of the latest releases and upgrades. In March, ImproMed Inc. released Infinity v4.3. In addition to other enhanced features and interfaces, the release includes X-Charge integrated credit card processing and VSurv, a Web-based client satisfaction survey service provided by Animal Care Technologies. . In July 2007, Idexx Computer Systems released its latest information management system technology for veterinary practices, Idexx Cornerstone 7.1. Powered by Idexx’s SmartLink technology, Cornerstone 7.1 offers simple and seamless electronic connections with other Idexx products and services. The new version gives practitioners and practice staff an advanced ability to track patient status with a new electronic whiteboard. It also features a new user-friendly interface and advanced bar-coding functionality. . Within the past year, the AVImark practice-management system by McAllister Software Systems has added an electronic whiteboard tool, an electronic dental charting function, pet report card capabilities, integration with in-house lab equipment, enhanced functionality of importing reference lab reports, integrated credit card processing and DICOM imaging capability. . Butler Animal Health Supply will debut new practice-management software packages in July. The newest features include biometric log-in and integrated laboratory and radiology information systems. . Clinic-Ware Dot Com Ltd., based in Hong Kong, began developing its practice-management system in 2006. The product was launched in May 2007 and currently has a user base of more than 50 clinics. . The latest version of Alis-Vet practice-management software, produced by Informavet Inc., has several new features, including an improved Smart List system with problem-specific subjectives and plans, full laboratory module integration, bulk e-mail capabilities, SOAP medical record scripting templates, new appointment analysis based on monthly minutes, HomeAgain microchip ID exports added to VetInsite and VetGate exports, X-Charge credit card implementation and custom screen colors. . The latest update of Vetech Software Services Inc.’s practice-management software for small-animal practices will ship very shortly. Its new features will include an automatic back-up scheduler, which will allow the clinic to automatically back up its practice management data daily or multiple times per day with no interaction. The system will also support multiple practices or departments on a single server computer. Vetech also produces a software system designed specifically for equine and large-animal practices. . In March 2007, Advance Micro Systems launched V-Tech Platinum, an all-inclusive practice-management software that is billed out for a monthly fee. The system—which includes inventory control, whiteboard, integrated credit card processing and integrated digital radiography—is updated six times a year and includes 24-hour tech support. . Sneakers Software Inc., maker of the DVMax veterinary practice-management software system, has spent the past 10 years focusing on building a paperless environment through its software. Most recently, the company built an interface for digital radiography. . Intravet, a division of Webster Veterinary Supply, is releasing the newest update of its practice management software this summer. The update will include features that aid in patient flow and paperless charting. The company will integrate the system with laboratory requisition forms as well as digital interfaces with several computed radiography and digital radiography systems. The system will also feature an integrated order entry system with Webster’s eMagine software. . Animal Intelligence Software Inc.’s newest product, AITreatment Sheet, is a full-featured electronic whiteboard and treatment sheet. It fully integrates treatments and orders into the medical record, allows standardization and customization, and links with billing functions to ensure reduction of missed charges and double entry. The real-time AITreatment Sheet can be printed or projected onto a screen or whiteboard. . RxWorks releases two new versions of its practice management software each year. Its recent enhancements include the RxWorks DICOM platform, which enables clinics to manage all their digital images on a single platform. Another enhancement, the HealthCare Manager, is designed to help veterinarians boost client compliance according to their standards of care. In addition, the Performance Pack feature provides tools to help veterinarians create and maintain a fee structure reflecting the true cost of veterinary products and services. . The VetNetSoft veterinary software system includes several interactive, integrated modules. All medical records, including videos and images for each patient, are automatically uploaded to each patient’s online medical record with patient-specific instructions and educational materials on specific problems. <HOME>