One of the world’s largest veterinary continuing education (CE) events is starting today in Las Vegas. The annual Western Veterinary Conference (WVC) is expected to attract nearly 15,000 veterinary professionals to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center from March 6 to 10, 2016. The conference is five days of seminars, wokshops, new product announcements, networking functions, entertainment and an opportunity to connect with colleagues. This year’s conference has been dedicated to Dr. Randall G. Ezell, who served as the WVC president, Secretary-Treasurer and board member. Participants can choose from a variety of learning environments including: meal-time seminars, workshops, symposia, lectures and hands-on labs across six topic areas: small animal, equine, veterinary technician, practice management, food animal, and avian and exotics. Hands-on labs with expert instructors will be held at WVC’s Oquendo Center, a clinical educational facility located minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. “We are constantly striving to make each conference better than the year before,” said WVC CEO David Little in a press release. “More than 1,000 hours of CE will be available for participants to create their own learning experience. And the new date in March has allowed WVC to have a dedicated space at Mandalay Bay, which will make for a more immersive experience for participants and the more than 500 exhibitors.” Next year’s conference will take place March 5 through 9, 2017. For more information about the WVC, go to The Veterinary Practice News team is at the event too. Say hi if you see us!