1) No life for you.
Plans after work? Nope dog decided to release explosive diarrhea down the front of my scrubs. #vettechlife
— Ashley East (@Ashleyeast25) August 28, 2016
2) ????
I woke up to a phone call from my friend asking how much it was to euthanize his dog #vettechlife
— The Don of Justice (@d3thedon) August 28, 2016
3) Get some sleep!
Clocked in today at 6:35, had a 20 minute lunch break, then clocked out at 7:40.. I ain't even tired ???????? jk I'm dying ???? #VetTechLife
— Marylin Sanchez (@sanchez_marylin) August 27, 2016
4) ???? ???? ????
When ya gotta dig through the trash to get a fecal sample #vettechlife #justvettechthings #vettechprobs
— Kat (@TheGreatKatsby1) August 25, 2016
5) Cats are jerks, sometimes.
Today I got bit by a cat, and then said cat peed all over me. ???????????????????????? #vettechlife
— Gia Scalise (@lagiabella) August 12, 2016
6) ???? ???? ????
Do you lift bro? Do 100lb dogs count? #vettechlife
— Roxanne Boxer (@IWOISIO_16) August 10, 2016
7) Friends don't let friends walk around with blood on their face.
when you just realize you've been walking around with blood on your face from this morning but no one ever told you. ???????? #vettechlife
— Kallie Grundl (@KallieGrundl) August 9, 2016
8) When "no" just doesn't work anymore.
Some days my job is a series of creative ways to tell people they can't have what they want. #patientcarefirst #vettechlife
— Wendy Brackett (@wendycycles) August 9, 2016
9) It's going to be a long day.
9:30 shift, 9:35-already covered in pee and poop #ilovemyjob #vettechlife #vettech #vet #animals #cuties
— Leah Smyth (@nightflyswimmer) August 3, 2016
10) Next, count your scars.
Bored, so I counted my bruises. All 16 of them. #vettechlife
— Kat (@KathleenLynn88) July 31, 2016